Washington Post (9-up Thumbnails)
by Bob Staake
No, I do not do drugs, and I quit drinking over 20 years ago. HOW then do we explain these drawings? Hmmmm. Call it "deadline". These are more for the venerable Washington Post, a publication that has been running my stuff weekly for close to 20 years. These were for the Style Invitational contest -- odd, enigmatic drawings that have to be deciphered by readers. They rarely decipher what these drawings mean, and THAT'S where the fun comes in! Or not.
Oh, wait. Pen and ink on 8.5"x11" ultra-swanky bond.
How to purchase: Send email to webmaster@bobstaake.com. We will then provide you with total $xxx for the art, $5 for shipping.) Send payment via PayPal to webmaster@bobstaake.com. Art is then shipped to you the next day. Totally easy/peasy, right? |
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