Comic Art Collective

"Action Suits 7-inch - Art by Bagge/Reynolds" is copyright ©2008 by Eric Reynolds.  All rights reserved.  Reproduction prohibited.

Action Suits 7-inch - Art by Bagge/Reynolds
by Eric Reynolds


Pete Bagge and I were in a band called the Action Suits in the late 1990s, and in 1996 we put out four singles. 3 of the 4 immediately sold out -- this one was put out by a friend who never got a chance to sell them all because she had to move to a new town and abandon the label She gave all the remining copies to Bagge and I, who have done little to sell them. It features front and back sleeve art and two songs ("4-Track Mind" b/a "My Janeane") all by Bagge/Reynolds. The single is produced by Rock Legend/Cool Fucking Guy Steve Fisk. Price is $5.00 postage paid. SUCH A DEAL: Spend over $50 on art and get a single for free!

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