Comic Art Collective

"The New Yorker - Midterm Wave Sketches" is copyright ©2008 by Bob Staake.  All rights reserved.  Reproduction prohibited.

The New Yorker - Midterm Wave Sketches
by Bob Staake


This was a case where I was trying to anticipate the results of the 2018 mid-terms -- before the we knew what they were. Color would have been important on both of these -- a yuge blue wave on left, blue and red waves respectively on right. When the results were in the following morning it was clear that neither of these worked -- but if they work for YOU, then snag 'em up! 10" x 7" pencils on white bond with xeroxes masthead -- - Signed by Staake and embossed with studio seal. How to purchase: Send email to We will then provide you with total $xxx for the art, $5 for shipping.) Send payment via PayPal to Art is then shipped to you the next day. Totally easy/peasy, right?

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